Thursday, May 28, 2009

UGA Greek Community Loving Friends to Jesus

About a month ago, I was walking with one of the sorority woman, Sally, who has been attending Greek InterVarsity. We began to discuss why Sally had not been active in either her sorority ministry or Greek InterVarsity over the past couple weeks. She told me her involvement with Greek InterVarsity didn't really matter, because her future was going to be decided on her academic involvement. I started probing about where God fit into her world view. Sally's response was that God helped her to try and lead a good life and encouraged her to go to church on Sunday, but that he had nothing to do with classes, friends, or most of her day to day decisions. We talked about how Jesus died for our sins, which allowed us to have everlasting life. And so I asked, “Sally doesn't that demand that you give him your whole life, all of your decisions?” Her response was no, she had never really sinned. When I asked about what she thought about all sins being the same, Sally told me that she didn't really believe that that was true. I felt that we were at a standstill, so I didn't push the issue further, and we finished our walk.

Sally continued to attend Greek InterVarsity sporadically and began to get to know one of our guy leaders, Sam. Sam lives a sacrificial lifestyle, both with his time and money. He serves the Lord through Greek InterVarsity, his church, and volunteering with those less fortunate in our town. Every Sunday, Sam takes the same homeless man to church and then the two enjoy a bite to eat. One day I called Sally and asked her again about where God fit into her life. She told me it was funny I asked because the day before she had gone to church with Sam. Sally was surprised when Sam picked her up and then drove down to the tent city to pick up his homeless friend. She was even more surprised that Sam treated the man like his friend and wasn't afraid to share his life or wealth with the man. When she asked him why he was so willing to give to this man, he told her because Jesus had done the same for him. She was honestly surprised, and asked him what Sam had ever done wrong that was really that bad. He began to talk about things that she could identify with. Sally was shocked. She couldn't understand why Sam's faith caused him to act differently. She told me she admired the older students whose lives were different and she said she wanted to have that type of faith.

Sally is loved by our community, and their kind actions and bold words are sharing the gospel with her. It is exciting to see Sally inspired to have a relationship with Jesus. Equally exciting, is seeing a our community effectively reaching out to others and drawing them in.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

National News: 25 Come to Christ in One Night!

On March 11th at the University of Rhode Island, 25 students accepted Christ in one evening! Read more: